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Afbooking regler credits / Cancellation rules credits
Afbooking regler credits / Cancellation rules credits

Hvilke regler gælder for afbooking med klippekort? What are the rules for cancellation with credits?

Tova avatar
Written by Tova
Updated over a week ago

English below.

Her kan du læse information om afbooking og indtjekning hos os.

Vi ønsker, at der skal være en forskel mellem at afbooke en time for sent og slet ikke at møde op. Vi foretrækker, at du afbooker en time, selvom det ikke er inden for fristen, fordi det stadig kan give en anden mulighed for at få din plads. Du kan afbooke op til 10 minutter før timen starter. Hvis du hverken deltager i en booket time eller afbooker senest 10 minutter før start, får du 1 prik.

Vi vil også gerne have, at alle respekterer hinandens og centrets tid, så du skal tjekke ind indenfor et bestemt tidsrum før holdet starter, så den kan begynde til tiden.

Regler der gælder for alle med klippekort (credits):

Indtjekning (bookede timer)

  • Skal ske tidligst 30 minutter før og senest 5 minutter før. Der er dog undtagelser fra denne tidsgrænse, som er angivet i holdbeskrivelsen.

Sen afbestilling

  • Afbookingsfristen for en booket time kan variere og står i holdbeskrivelsen, men er som regel 3 timer før start.

  • Hvis du afbooker for sent, trækkes 5 klip (credits) for bookingen, og resterende klip refunderes.

Booking der hverken bliver brugt eller afbooket

  • Du kan lave en sen afbestilling op til 10 minutter før timen starter. Vores mål er, at ingen skal gå glip af en booket plads.

  • Hvis du ikke afbooker, refunderes ingen klip.

Skriv til os i chatten, hvis du har spørgsmål, så skal vi gøre vores bedste for at forklare.



Information about our cancellation and check-in rules.

We want it to be a difference between canceling a class late and missing it completely. We prefer that you cancel a class even if it is a late cancellation because then you give someone else the chance to get that spot instead. You can cancel the class 10 minutes before it starts. If you completely ignore going to a class and do not cancel at least 10 minutes before the class, you will get a missed class.

We also want everyone to respect each others and the studios time so that's why you must check in no later than 5 minutes before a session begins.

Rules that apply to everyone who uses credits:

Check-ins (booked classes)

  • You can check in earliest 30 min prior to class and latest 5 minutes before the class begins.

Late cancellation

  • The cancellation time before a class differs, but generally it is 3 hours before the class. Specific cancellation times are always listed in red under each class.

  • If you do a late cancellation 5 credit will be deducted, while the rest of the credits paid for the class will be refunded.

Missed class (always cancel)

  • You can do a late cancellation up to 10 minutes before the class. Our goal is that no one should get a missed class.

  • If you don't cancel the class you will not get back any of the credits paid for that class.

Write to us in the chat if you have questions regarding the above and we will do our best to explain.

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